Document Centre

Submissions And Reports

Document Centre Results
DRAFT WALGA Submission WARR Strategy Consultation Draft (28/06/2024) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (E-waste) Regulations 2023 Consultation Draft (15/11/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Draft Asbestos National Strategic Plan Phase Three 2024-30 (16/10/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Exposure Draft of the Recycling and Waste Reduction (Export – Paper and Cardboard) Rules 2023 (22/09/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Discussion paper: Wired for Change - Regulation for small electrical products and photovoltaic system waste (21/07/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Directions Paper: Review of Western Australia’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (11/07/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Draft State Waste Infrastructure Plan (23/06/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the WA Container Deposit Scheme – Expanding the Scope of Eligible Beverage Containers Discussion Paper (19/04/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the E-waste to Landfill Ban for Western Australia Consultation Paper (31/03/2023) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the NSW Container Deposit Scheme Expansion (14/12/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Draft PFAS National Environmental Management Plan Version 3.0 (14/12/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the CDS Minimum Network Standards Third Review (26/10/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Nitrous Oxide Supply Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (26/10/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Western Australia's Plan for Plastics Stage 2 Discussion Paper (26/10/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA DRAFT Submission on the DWER Environmental Regulation Reform Discussion Paper (17/10/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Issues Paper: Photovoltaic Product Stewardship (27/04/2022) Submissions And Reports
Principles for Product Stewardship (24/03/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Stewardship for Consumer and Other Electrical and Electronic Products Discussion Paper (16/02/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the CDS Minimum Network Standards Second Review (16/02/2022) Submissions And Reports
Omicron Planning Document (16/02/2022) Submissions And Reports
Mutual Assistance Memorandum of Understanding 2022 (16/02/2022) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to DWER: Guideline Dust Emissions (14/10/2021) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the CDS Minimum Network Standards (14/10/2021) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the Australian Government Tyre Export Ban (14/10/2021) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to DWER Guideline Assessment of Environmental Noise Emissions (16/09/2021) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report: Right to Repair (13/07/2021) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the Productivity Commission Right to Repair Issues Paper (26/02/2021) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the DAWE on Regulating the Export of Mixed Plastics Technical Discussion Paper (26/02/2021) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Draft Submission Waste Derived Materials (10/12/2020) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission Draft on the WARR Act Review (11/11/2020) Submissions And Reports
Final Response to the Local Government Audit 2020 (29/10/2020) Submissions And Reports
Final Second Wave Planning (29/10/2020) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Closing the Loop: Waste Reform for a Circular Economy Consultation Paper (01/06/2020) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Review of the Waste Levy Consultation Paper (01/06/2020) Submissions And Reports
Essential Services Discussion Paper (26/03/2020) Submissions And Reports
Plastics Reduction Review of Local Government Practices (26/02/2020) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the COAG Waste Export Ban (01/11/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the Senate Inquiry Product Stewardship Amendment (Packaging and Plastics) Bill 2019 (01/11/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Australia's Waste Management and Recycling Industries (01/11/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Office of the Auditor General Audit of Local Government Waste Management Service Delivery (01/09/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the DWER on Waste Derived Materials (01/08/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Local Government Waste Plan Resource Kit (01/08/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the Waste Authority Draft Waste Data Strategy (01/08/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission to the DWER on Weighbridges June 2019 (04/07/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Single Use Plastics Issues Paper June 2019 (28/06/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Review of the Better Bins Program May 2019 (27/06/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Data Methodologies May 2019 (27/06/2019) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the CDS Customer Service Standards (13/12/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the draft State Waste Strategy (02/11/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission ACCC AgStewardship Australia (26/10/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission National Waste Policy (26/10/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission draft Request for Proposal CDS Coordinator (26/10/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the APCO Towards 2025 Discussion Paper (03/09/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Container Deposit Scheme CRIS (03/09/2018) Submissions And Reports
Recycling Market Update and Consistent Communications (01/08/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Guide to Licencing (29/06/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Review of the Product Stewardship Act and the NTCRS (29/06/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Department of Environment and Energy's AAE Process and Work Plan (24/04/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Odour Guideline (19/04/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the CWTS Discussion Paper (19/04/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER DAIP (19/04/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the State Waste Strategy Consultation Paper (06/03/2018) Submissions And Reports
Impact of Changing International Market Conditions on Recycling (01/03/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Discussion Paper Plastic Bag Ban (29/01/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission TSA ACCC Authorisation February 2018 (24/01/2018) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the Senate Inquiry into the Waste & Recycling industry (18/12/2017) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DWER Waste Reform Project (16/11/2017) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission CDS Discussion Paper Oct 2017 (24/10/2017) Submissions And Reports
Waste Management Funding Principles (07/08/2017) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission Governance of Waste Asbestos Discussion Paper (27/04/2017) Submissions And Reports
WALGA submission on the Interim Waste Strategy Review (08/03/2017) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission NSW CDS Regulatory Framework Discussion Paper (20/10/2016) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Waste Reporting Requirements (25/08/2016) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Environmental Standard: Composting (16/06/2016) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Guideline Environmental Noise for Prescribed Premises (16/06/2016) Submissions And Reports
Better Practice Reuse Shops (13/06/2016) Submissions And Reports
Better Practice Reuse Shops Background Paper (13/06/2016) Submissions And Reports
Bin Tagging Program: Kerbside Behaviour Change (01/06/2016) Submissions And Reports
Better Practice Guideline: Use of Optical Surveillance Devices to combat littering and illegal dumping (01/06/2016) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission Audit of Waste Strategy (17/03/2016) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DER Guidance Statements: Regulatory Controls, Regulatory Assessment Framework, Environmental Risk Assessment Framework (25/02/2016) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission NSW CDS Discussion Paper (23/02/2016) Submissions And Reports
Shopping Trolley Background Paper (01/02/2016) Submissions And Reports
Problematic Materials for Local Government Background Paper (01/02/2016) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DER's Guidance Statement on AACRs (18/12/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission EPA Separation Distances (18/11/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Guidance Statement on Separation Distances (03/11/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DER's Licence Documentation (03/11/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DER Environmental Standard: Composting (29/09/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Manufactured Fill July 2015 (21/08/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Leachate August 2015 (21/08/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Environmental Standard August 2015 (21/08/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission on the DoH review of the Health Asbestos Regulations (29/06/2015) Submissions And Reports
Helium Balloon Background Paper (25/06/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Guideline (24/06/2015) Submissions And Reports
Bin Tagging Pilot Program: Summary of Outcomes (01/05/2015) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission WARR Act Review (20/02/2015) Submissions And Reports
Interim WALGA Submission Operational Review of the NTCRS February 2015 (09/02/2015) Submissions And Reports
MWAC Submission on the DER Clean Fill and Construction Products Material Guidelines (16/12/2014) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission DER Regulatory Principles (11/12/2014) Submissions And Reports
Template Waste Local Law (01/09/2014) Submissions And Reports
Template Waste Local Law Guidance Note (01/09/2014) Submissions And Reports
WALGA Submission Regulating the Use of WDM August 2014 (29/08/2014) Submissions And Reports
Model Local Planning Policy (01/06/2014) Submissions And Reports
Model Local Planning Explanatory Notes (01/06/2014) Submissions And Reports
MWAC Submission on the BIWG Discussion Paper (28/04/2014) Submissions And Reports
MWAC Submission on the KABWA Draft Litter Prevention Strategy 2014-19 (06/03/2014) Submissions And Reports
MWAC Submission on the Draft State Waste Communications Strategy (06/03/2014) Submissions And Reports